Trying to find a song about my Mom I can't just pick one, Their are so many songs I use to hear her sing and dance around the house. Back in the late 60-70's you can Imagine all the songs that came across us in those years. Seems like music was a fashion just as it was a fashion in clothes and in style. Mom had a white convene car and when we went to the gas station she would say 2 bucks worth! That was on PCH, She loved Brenda Lee songs.
Mom always had a sass about herself. I truly loved how she carried herself. She even shown me and my sister Vicky how to do the Locomotion. That was a mom and a girlfriend back then. How we always played songs on our 45's record player..Mom was a Pretty Woman I loved her so.
She was Not a PTA Mom.

Through the years she shared many things and memories in her life. The years being young, a Mom to us all. How often I called on her for the many questions and emotions I experience. How she was always there.
I use to hear mom sing many songs, It will take much more time then now to share.
I love you Mama, I well never stop missing you and your present....